Lesson 1: Verb A Level_1~3
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1. phrase
1.1 Level 1
小鳥を飼う(かう)Raising birds酒に酔う(よう)Get drunk
袋を縫う(ぬう)Sew a bag
川に沿って歩く(そって)Walk along the river
金を奪う(うばう)Take money away
両手で顔を覆う(おおう)Cover face with hands
1.2 Level 2
ギターを弾く(ひく)Play the guitar
花を描く(えがく)Draw flowers
靴を脱ぐ(ぬぐ)Take off shoes
岩を砕く(くだく)Break rocks
星が輝く(かがやく)Stars shine
布団を敷く(しく)Lay a futon/Make the bed
1.3 Level 3
砂の山を崩す(くずす)Break the sand
セーターが縮む(ちぢむ)Sweater shrinks
遠くへ跳ぶ(とぶ)Jump far
コードを踏む(ふむ)Step on the wire
友達を脅かす(おどかす)Frighten friends
鳥を撃つ(うつ)Shoot a bird
2. Verb
2.1 Summary
2.1.1 Level 1
2.1.2 Level 2
2.1.3 Level 3
2.2 Meaning
1. 遭う(あう)
旅行中にホテルで盗難に遭った。During the trip, I encountered theft in the hotel.
2. 飼う(かう)
犬を3匹飼っている。I'm keeping three dogs.
3. 沿う(そう)
線路が道に沿って続いている。The railroad tracks along the road.
4. 縫う(ぬう)
この洋服は母が縫ってくれたものだ。This dress is my mother's sewing.
5. 酔う(よう)
酒を飲み過ぎて酔ってしまった。Drink too much and get drunk.
6. 奪う(うばう)
男はバッグを奪って逃げた。The man grabbed the bag and ran away.
7. 覆う(おおう)
ソファーを美しい布で覆った。I covered the sofa with a beautiful cloth.
8. 狂う(くるう)
気が狂う。 Go mad. / Go crazy.
Its original meaning is mad/crazy.
But the other meanings are slightly different from the original.
Extend meanings include:
- Indulge in something.
- Mechanical items such as clocks and watches went something wrong.
- The sequence is disrupted or becomes inaccurate.
- The reservation, plan, and expectation are disrupted.
For Example:
- 女に狂う。 Indulge in women.
- 時計が狂う。The clock goes wrong.
- 順序が狂う。The numbers are out of sequence. / 君の歌は調子が狂っている。You sing out of tune.
- 予定が狂う。The Schedule was disrupted.
9. 誘う(さそう)
友達を映画に誘う。Invite friends to a movie.
10. 誓う(ちかう)
彼女を必ず幸せにすると心に誓った。I vowed to make her happy.
11. 倣う(ならう)
前例に倣う。 Imitate the previous example./ Follow the previous example
12. 扱う(あつかう)
危険物を扱う。Handle dangerous goods.
13. 従う(したがう)
命令に従う。Obey orders.
14. 伴う(ともなう)
危険を伴う仕事。Jobs with hazards.
15. 聴く(きく)
音楽を聴く。Listen to music.
16. 裂く(さく)(他動詞)
ハンカチを半分に裂く。Tear the handkerchief in half.
台風で木が裂けた。The tree was broken by the typhoon.
17. 敷く(しく)
床にじゅうたんを敷く。Carpet the floor.
18. 炊く(たく)
炊いたばかりのご飯はおいしい。The newly cooked rice is delicious.
19. 吐く(はく)
本音を吐く。Tell the truth.
20. 履く(はく)
靴を履く。Wear shoes.
21. 弾く(ひく)
ピアノを弾く。Play the piano.
22. 描く(えがく)
夢を描く。(未来の希望をいろいろ頭の中で考える)Depict dreams. (think about the hope of the future in your mind)
23. 渇く(かわく)
喉が渇いた。I'm thirsty.
血に渇く。Thirst for blood.
24. 砕く(くだく)
岩を砕く。Crush the rocks.
25. 響く(ひびく)
コツコツと足音が響く。Footsteps echo.
"コツコツ" is an onomatopoeic word used to describe the sound of footsteps.
26. 輝く(かがやく)
太陽が空に輝く。The sun shines in the sky.
新人賞に輝く。Won the newcomer award.
彼の目は喜びに輝いた。His eyes were full of joy.
27. 脱ぐ(ぬぐ)
靴を脱ぐ。Take off shoes.
28. 稼ぐ(かせぐ)
学費を稼ぐ。Earn tuition.
点数を稼ぐ。Earn points.
時間を稼ぐ。Buy time (to ensure victory/to escape).
29. 騒ぐ(さわぐ)
心が騒ぐ。My heart is flustered.
酒を飲んで大いに騒ぐ。Drink wine and make a scene.
インフレで世間が騒いでいる。Because of inflation, there is much talk in society.
あの女優も昔はずいぶん騒がれたものだ。That actress used to be a sensation.
The original meaning of this word is that people talk about what happened.
The most direct meaning is the action of speaking.
The impression is that many people speak.
The extended meaning is to become a hot topic or cause anxiety.
30. 挿す(さす)
花瓶に花を挿す。Put flowers in a vase.
It refers to putting slender things in some places.
31. 致す(いたす)
この仕事は私が致します。I'll do the work.
Its basic meaning is to do, but in most cases, it has no meaning, just to show respect.
32. 崩す(くずす)
Its original meaning is making something collapse or goes from complete to broken.
山を崩す。Destroy the mountain.
お金を崩す。Break money. (Change big money into much small money, such as changing one 10000 yen into ten 1000 yen.)
ひざを崩す。Change kneeling to a casual sitting posture.
姿勢を崩す。Change to a relaxed posture.
身持ちを崩す。Moral character and behavior deteriorate.
この字は崩しすぎて読めない。This word is too cursive to understand.
33. 脅かす(おどかす)
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34. 励ます(はげます)
おのれを励ます。 Encourage yourself.
35. 繰り返す(くりかえす)
失敗は二度と繰り返すな。Don't fail again.
36. 撃つ(うつ)
ピストルを撃つ。Hit with a pistol.
鳥を撃つ。Shoot a bird.
37. 討つ(うつ)
賊軍を討つ。Defeat the rebels.
38. 跳ぶ(とぶ)
この溝が跳べるか。Can you jump over this ditch?
飛ぶ:fly, jump.
39. 酌む(くむ)
バケツで水を汲む。Draw water with a bucket.
お酒を酌む。Pour the wine.
X家の流れをくむ。Inherit the lineage of the X family.
表情から意をくむ。 Understand from the expression.
作者の言わんとするところをくむ。Understand the author's morals.
40. 澄む(すむ)
澄んだ空気。Clear air.
41. 踏む(ふむ)
足を踏む。Step on foot.
42. 恨む(うらむ)
This word needs a detailed explanation.
So there will be another blog to add here.
(to be continued)
43. 縮む(ちぢむ)
この布は水につけるとひどく縮む。This cloth shrinks in water.
This word needs a detailed explanation.
So there will be another blog to add here.
(to be continued)
44. 悔やむ(くやむ)
今になって悔やんでも遅い。It's too late to regret now.
45. 膨らむ(ふくらむ)
腹が膨らむ。Tummy bulge; Big stomach; Full.
夢が膨らむ。Dream bigger and bigger.